Move over Google Glass and Oculus Rift. Robot vision has been around for a long time.
Jame Cameron’s final battle with the Terminator occurs in a fully Robotic factory with vintage Bots from the 1980’s. Here are some early Robotic brains staring with the
Robomation Intelligence Computer or IRI P256
This 1980’s Robot is based on the same brain as the original Mac but with a zero wait state 1 MIP MC68000 version of the chip. It can actually visualize objects in low-res grayscale. The company published some interesting rules of Robotics. This microcomputer was Torso mounted using a 4G, UNIX-based API called Robotic Control Language. There was also a safety protocol inhibiting the Robot’s behavior around its human handlers.
The company went broke right around the time they received a patent for Robot Vision so it was assigned to a stronger company. Which brings us to our next item.
GE Fanuc Workmaster II